Intuitively Rich


Ani Rich

Author, Life Coach and Certified Yogi

Ani Rich is an author, writer, and certified yoga instructor dedicated to empowering others through mindfulness and holistic wellness. Her writing blends Eastern wisdom with modern insights, offering practical guidance for living consciously and authentically.

Growth Made Easy

Self-Development Made Simple

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A few of our guests

Janet Schmidt

Quantum Consciousness Acceleator™, Integrative Holistic Healing and Performance Facilitator, Master Mindset Coach

Michael S. Seaver

Author, Executive Coach and Leadership Consultant

Kevin Palmieri

CSO & Founder of Next Level University

Mary Henderson

Personal Branding & Online Business Specialist

Roxanne Chaput

Luminary, Celestial Guide, Celestial+Earth Shaman, Inspirational Speaker+Show Host

Yogi Aaron

Flipping the script on stretching and flexibility while teaching a new yogic approach to master your body and live pain-free.

Kim Sorrelle

Author, speaker, lover of people and black licorice.

Marie Mosley

Author of pretty divorce. Helping women coming out of toxic relationships, heal and create brighter futures for themselves.

Peter Anthony

Author, speaker and Master in Professional Communication.

Sylvia Worsham

International Best-Selling Author, Multi-Lingual Speaker & Turning Points Coach

Babs Faseesin

Author of "Cracking the Life Code".

Shana Francesca

Keynote Speaker, Consultant, Workshop Facilitator and Scholar of Intentional and Ethical Leadership and Living. Founder & CEO of Concinnate LLC.

From our Guests

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Ani is an amazingly curious host who asks well-thought out multi-dimensional questions. She gets so much unique information and insights from her guests. Her energy is contagious and powerful.

Wade Galt from the United States

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It was great to connect with Ani. Her positivity comes across in the show and her purpose is to let guests shine so listeners get a great experience. It’s a gift to provide such a diverse range of professionals a positive platform.

Christa fairbrother from the United States

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Ani has some of the purest and most beautiful energy that I’ve ever had the pleasure of experiencing. I’m so grateful that she’s sharing her gifts with the world and so enjoy listening and learning from this beautiful spirit.

Tamara Zoner from the United States

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“What is as important as knowledge asked the mind? Caring and seeing with the heart answered the soul.” (Author – Flavia) Ani is someone who cares and sees with her heart and wants to inspire her listeners with every conversation.

Lee St James from Canada

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Thank you Ani for a great conversation. You have a beautiful Energy and Personality and a great listener as a podcast host.

Torrin Minutillo from Australia

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Ani takes a special and unique approach to connecting with her guests and audience. Many twists and turns, all in the spirit of growth and exploration! I love the show.

Montana Rae Sommelier from the United States

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Ani is well-prepared and knows exactly what she wants her listeners to learn from her guests. And I can tell you that, from a guest’s perspective, she makes her guests feel comfortable. She’s a true professional. Listen in and hear how she and her guests might make a difference in your life.

Peter f George from the United States

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Ani’s a fabulous podcast host! She’s genuinely interested in what her guest have to say, and she’s skilled at listening, so she doesn’t talk over her guests, which sounds simple, but so many podcast hosts don’t do this. I love her energy and vibrancy and you’ll always learn something new from Ani’s guests on the podcast.

Katische Haberfield from Australia

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As the host of a top-rated podcast, I’ve made guest appearances on over hundred podcasts, but I have to confess, I learned a lot as a GUEST on Ani’s show. Not only did she ask thought-provoking and insightful questions, Ani has a gifted way of feeling and communicating what her guests are feeling. Her style has motivated me to “learn” my guests even more, so I can feel what they’re feeling. Great job Ani. Feel free to invite me back as a guest anytime. – Dr. Joe Martin, host of the Real Men Connect Podcast

Dr. Joe Martin from the United States

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